Appreciating Athletic Trainers via The Pediatric Sports Medicine Podcast

Pediatric Sports Medicine Podcast 1 min read
There’s a LOT to know about Athletic Trainers, but even more to appreciate...

Specialized training is incredibly valuable, but even more so when it concerns the development of today’s youth. Athletic Trainers - it’s who words that people across the globe have heard before but - what do they do? How to they contribute to our collective community but even more important is - how we need to appreciate their insight and guidance. Inside the most-recent episode of The Pediatric Sports Medicine Podcast, Dr. Mark Halstead welcomes three individuals that have collectively provided him with incredible value over the years and - you’ll find out why when you Listen to This Podcast!

pediatrician Pediatric Sports Surgeon athletic trainer on staff athletic training appreciating skill sets sharing knowledge more perspectives are always better than one