What kind of research has been conducted in regard to the treatment of Apophsysial Injuries in Pediatrics? The answer will surprise you...
The bags come in many colors, sizes and feature contents a-plenty. What IS inside a Doctor's Sideline Bag?
Is ice still the first and best form of relief and recovery for ankle sprains? The research shared here tells the tale...
Share in true gratitude as Dr. Mark shares in the stories, people and events that have shaped his career in sports medicine...
Few things will derail the abilities of today's athletes faster than a lack of iron...
It's time to learn all about their growing value, and how best to help them share their incredible insight in YOUR community!
No one likes BACK PAIN. Everyone loves great stories and solutions. Dr. Mark's got 'em BOTH...
Does focusing on one sport benefit our children? Time to sift through the data and find out!
Screen time. Sleep habits. Common-sense research techniques. It's all covered inside this episode of The Pediatric Sports Medicine Podcast...
Sports Pediatricians Gather in Houston, TX in 2022! What information will be shared and - Will You Be There?
What are the common hand injuries that impact our young athletes? Find out how!
What kinds of new ideas, processes & community-centric implementations can help us "reimagine school sports?"