Shoes, Shoes Everywhere But - Which One is Right for Your Healthy Young Athlete?

Healthy Young Athlete 1 min read
So many features, options and reputations - which shoe is right for your young athlete?

What is it that makes a shoe “great?” Is it the features it exemplfies? Is it the reputation it’s built among other athletes that you or your young athlete revere or talk to? Is it perhaps that trends in society require that “to be good” you’ve GOT to have THIS shoe? Might it be cost? The questions multiply faster than the possible answers, but if you’re looking to cut through al lof the noise and find the out the facts, it’s time to listen to the most-recent peisode of The Healthy Young Athlete Podcast! Inside it, Dr. Mark Halstead shares all of the answers you need to know, coming from the guy that not only works with healthy young athletes but sold shoes back in the day! | Listen to the Podcast Now!

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