Knowing the difference between a shooter, and an active shooter will save your life. Learn about it all now with the help of a 911 Police Dispatcher.....
You will drive an average of three football fields while reading this sentence at highway speeds in your vehicle. Are you - DRIVING DISTRACTED? Learn...
They have plagued us for decades, and now is the time to get educated to protect yourself and the ones you love! Star today with the help of a 911 Pol...
Most people are completely unaware of how to get protection orders for themselves. What do YOU know about Ex Partes? Learn all about them, a woman, a...
Suicide doesn't just effect the familes and loved ones - it's impact is felt in many different directions, including the 911 Dispatcher that takes the...
What awaits when a Police Dispatcher answers a call? It's time to "peel back the layers" with real-life Police Dispatcher LIsa Moore to find out durin...